(早比早享受) BNO Visa IHS 醫療費將會加價 突破£1000/年!
根據2023年7月13日議會的說法,英國政府計劃提高入境醫療附加費的費率,這個費率在過去三年被凍結,儘管通脹率高且經濟和整體體系面臨著廣泛的壓力,但這樣做是為了確保負擔得起的人可以支付全部的醫療費用。根據英國政府的計劃,主要費率將增至1,035英鎊,學生和18歲以下人士的折扣費率將增至776英鎊。這一附加費的增加將有助於為醫生的加薪提供資金。 Please join our whatsapp broadcast list: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BEB72AfsMWUA3TVliRFzau and our facebook and whatsapp groups: https://livinintheuk.com/archives/42/ Source: We will also take sound choices to maximise income. We plan to increase the rates of the immigration health surcharge, which have been frozen for the past three years, despite high inflation and wider pressures facing the economy and […]