英國出境完全唔睇護照 !?
喺英國,護照檢查通常係喺遊客入境嘅時候進行,而唔係離境嘅時候。呢個做法係世界上好多國家都普遍採用嘅。呢個主要目的係為咗控制移民同埋確保入境嘅人有足夠嘅文件同符合入境要求。 而當乘客離開英國嘅時候,通常護照唔會被英國邊境部門檢查。呢個係因為英國政府主要關注嘅係入境嘅人數同埋條件,而唔係離境嘅人。一旦一個人喺英國境內,佢通常有自由離開國家嘅權利。 Unidirectional Passport Checks: The Quirk of UK Border Control In the United Kingdom, passport checks are typically conducted when travelers enter the country, rather than when they leave. This is a common practice in many countries around the world. The primary reason for this is to control immigration and ensure that people entering […]