英國手機號碼開頭為什麼有一個零?Why is there a zero at the beginning of UK mobile numbers?
英國手機號碼開頭為什麼有一個零? 英國手機號碼開頭的零是國內中繼前綴,表示撥打的是英國國內的電話。在英國國內撥打該號碼時,應包括前導零,但從國外撥打時,前導零應替換為國家的國際撥號碼,即英國的國際撥號碼為+44。 Our Facebook and Whatsapp Groups: https://livinintheuk.com/archives/42/ The zero at the beginning of a UK mobile number is the national trunk prefix. It indicates that the call is a national call within the UK. When dialing the number within the UK, the zero should be included, but when calling from outside the country, the […]