If you move house in the UK, you should update your address with the following organizations

1. The Electoral Commission: so you can be registered to vote at your new address.
2. The UK Post Office: so your mail can be redirected to your new address (Fees Required).
3. HM Revenue and Customs: if you receive a tax-related benefit or have a personal tax account.
4. Your bank or building society: to ensure they have your updated contact information and can send important financial documents.
5. Your doctor and dentist: to ensure you can receive medical care at your new location.
6. Your utility companies: to avoid interruption in your gas, electricity, and water services.
7. Your insurance providers: to update your policy and ensure you’re covered at your new address.
8. Car insurance company
9. DVLA to update address on the driving licence card
10. Vehicle log book


1. 選舉委員會:以便您在新地址註冊投票。
2. 英國郵政局:以便將您的郵件重定向到新地址(需要收費)。
3. HM稅收和海關:如果您收到與稅款有關的福利或擁有個人稅務帳戶。
4. 您的銀行或建設協會:以確保他們擁有更新的聯繫信息,並可發送重要的財務文件。
5. 您的醫生和牙醫:以確保您可以在新的位置接受醫療照顧。
6. 您的公用事業公司:以避免在煤氣、電力和水供應中斷。
7. 您的保險提供者:以更新您的政策,並確保您在新地址受到保護。
8. 汽車保險公司
9. DVLA,以更新駕駛執照卡上的地址
10. 車輛登記冊