把握英國就業機會,輕鬆搵到理想工作!我們為 BNO 香港簽證持有人帶來六個專門針對英國就業市場的網上講座系列。從如何研究市場、應聘文件、重點技能、職位描述、簡歷撰寫、到求職信技巧,透過多元化的學習形式,讓你在英國就業市場中脫穎而出!無論你身在英國還是香港,都歡迎報名參加!
Session 6:
Employment Law 就業法律相關議題探討 教你如何在移民後獲取工作後保障自己的權益及了解合約上的迷思。(適合準備及已移民BNO人仕)
10am-12pm, 27th June 2023 (Tuesday)
報名連結: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/employment-law-bno-tickets-666339548527
Session 6:
Employment Law 就業法律相關議題探討 教你如何在移民後獲取工作後保障自己的權益及了解合約上的迷思。(適合準備及已移民BNO人仕)
把握英國就業機會,輕鬆搵到理想工作!我們為 BNO Visa帶來六個專門針對英國就業市場的網上講座系列。
此次研討會將由經驗豐富的4 Wings 的Marie Claire主講,並設有互動環節,讓您可以與講者和其他參加者進行交流和學習。如果您想在英國尋找工作,請務必參加此次研討會,我們將為您提供有價值的資訊和實用技巧。
如果您想獲得更多本次活動的詳情,別忘了追蹤我們在Facebook: 4wings1 和 Instagram: 4wings1uk 的最新資訊,或直接透過電郵:([email protected])與我們聯絡,我們會為您提供最即時和詳盡的回答!
Seize employment opportunities in the UK and easily find your ideal job! We present a series of six online talks specifically designed for BNO Visa holders targeting the UK job market.
Thank you for your participation and support. We look forward to seeing you at the talk!
The talk will be conducted by the experienced Marie Claire from 4 Wings, and interactive sessions will be included to facilitate communication and learning between the speaker and participants. If you are seeking employment in the UK, it is highly recommended to attend this seminar as we will provide valuable information and practical tips.
During the event, we strongly encourage everyone to engage in English and interact with the speaker. However, if you have limited English proficiency, we still warmly welcome your participation. Our volunteers will make every effort to assist with translation to ensure your full engagement and to provide you with valuable information and knowledge. Thank you for your support and participation, and we look forward to meeting you at the talk.
For more detailed information about the event, please remember to follow us on Facebook: 4wings1 and Instagram: 4wings1uk, or contact us directly via email at [email protected]. We will provide you with the most up-to-date and comprehensive responses!
Enquiry: Carol Lo, [email protected]
也可以加入我們4Wings 香港新移民歡迎計劃 Whatsapp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IjXg5vKVOfbIqK48cCrxUe
About 4Wings: 4Wings 香港新移民歡迎計劃 – 4Wings Hong Kong Welcome Programme
Website: 4wings.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/4wings1uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4wings1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/4wings1
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/4wings-northwest-cic-6470249911
Session 1 (Completed): Preparing for Employment in the UK, effective CVs and cover letters(適合BNO) 10am-12pm, 12 May 2023 Friday
Session 2 (Completed): Competency-Based Interviews and STAR method(適合BNO) 10am-12pm, 16 May 2023 Tuesday
Session 3 (Completed): UK Culture, Language and Business Etiquette 英國文化、語言及商務禮儀(適合BNO) 10am-12pm, 23 May 2023 Tuesday
Session 4 (Completed): Resilience to survive the application process, SMART Goal Setting 工作申請過程中需要具備的堅毅態度,定立SMART目標 10am-12pm, 9th June 2023 Friday
Session 5 (Completed): Mental Health Matters 精神健康的重要性 10am-12pm, 15th June 2023 (Thursday)