我哋一直努力幫助業主最大化佢哋嘅收益,協助一位擁有七個英國物業的業主 claim £35,000 (港幣35萬) 嘅房屋稅款,為業主提供充分嘅支援。我哋精確嘅會計實踐,確保冇任何錢財被遺漏。每一分錢都重要,我哋相信業主辛苦賺來嘅錢應該回到佢哋嘅口袋裏。
Looking to help landlords maximize their profits, we’ve been working tirelessly to assist one with 7 properties to claim back a whopping £35,000 in uninhabitable stamp duty. Every penny counts, and we believe that hard-earned money should be back where it belongs – in the landlord’s pocket. Our careful accounting practices ensure that nothing is left unaccounted for, so landlords can rest easy knowing that their investments are in good hands.
To understand more:
過去4年英國第二物業購買者可獲退還印花稅(平均£8000) – 不成功不收費
Contact us now:
Contact us now via whatsapp: https://wa.me/447476926233 (Will reply in working hours in working days)
Our Facebook and Whatsapp Groups: https://livinintheuk.com/archives/42/