英國政府近日正式回應郭子健發起嘅12000人「允許BN(O)持有人免ETA入境」的請願聯署,並確認 BN(O)護照持有人無需申請電子旅客許可(ETA) 即可入境英國!這對BN(O)來說無疑是一個重大勝利,確保能夠繼續享有自由出入英國的權利。然而,政府亦表示會 持續監察 此政策,並在有濫用跡象時可能進行調整。
🔍 ETA政策回顧:為何BN(O)應該獲豁免?
ETA(電子旅客許可) 於2023年10月25日推出,適用於所有外國旅客(英國及愛爾蘭公民除外),旨在加強英國邊境安全。但對於 BN(O)持有人而言,這一要求被認為是不公平的,並引發聯署行動。
✅ BN(O)身份屬英國國籍一部分,而非一般外國國民,應與其他英國國民一樣享有自由出入權利。
✅ 額外申請ETA增加財務及行政負擔,與政府此前承諾不符。
✅ 影響人權及庇護途徑,如曾因政治原因被捕的人,ETA可能成為入境障礙。
該聯署獲得超過 12,000人支持。
Related info:
🎭 BNO vs 香港特區護照差距進一步擴大?🇬🇧 入境英國BNO免ETA,特區護照仍需ETA!
BNO及香港特區護照的7種組合:是否需要申請英國ETA? (附申請連結)
❌ 中國徹底拒絕,英國立場曖昧:BNO護照 —— 制度性雙重排斥與歧視,兩邊不是人
❌ Rejected by China, Unwelcomed by the UK: The BNO Passport – A Symbol of Systematic Exclusion
BNO變二等國民?BNO唔係外國人!No ETA,Yes Equality! 📢 呼籲BNO持有人簽署聯署
🔥 爭議性 BNO 平權請願 Petition 最新進展!政府被要求修訂回應!
📢 英國政府的官方回應
Government responded:
The Government reviewed this position and has decided to exempt BN(O) passport holders from requiring an ETA for travel to the UK. This will be kept under review in case of any indication of abuse.
The UK Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) scheme was launched on 25 October 2023, to secure our borders and make the UK safer, ensuring that everyone wishing to travel to the UK (except British and Irish citizens) must seek permission in advance of their journey. An ETA is a permission to travel, and not a visa.
The Government has decided to exceptionally exempt British National (Overseas) passport holders from requiring an ETA when travelling to the UK as we have greater assurance about who they are as we are responsible for issuing them with their passports. British National (Overseas) passport holders will demonstrate their eligibility to travel to the UK to their carrier simply through their BNO passport and will continue to enjoy visa-free access to the UK as a visitor for up to six months. Individuals who already have a UK immigration status, including a British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) visa, have never required an ETA to travel to the UK, and this will continue to be the case.
We will keep this exceptional exemption under review.
Home Office
📅 回應日期:2025年3月7日
🔹 BN(O)身份由英國政府負責發行,比一般外國護照更具信任度。
🔹 現行政策已提供充足的入境控制,無需額外設置ETA障礙。
🔹 擁有BN(O)簽證的人從未需要ETA,未來也不會改變。
🔗 政府回應原文請參閱官方網站:點擊查看
雖然BN(O)持有人暫時成功爭取ETA豁免,但 此政策並未永久固定,若有改變,BN(O)持有人可能面對新限制。因此,仍需 持續監察 政策變化,並確保政府履行承諾。
🌍 讓我們一起維護BN(O)身份應有的尊重!💪
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