On 18th January, two local Hong Kong CICs, specifically Hong Kong Notts CIC and Hong Kong Professionals CIC, arranged a legal seminar on settlement and naturalization in a community centre in Stapleford. Juliet Campbell MP and Stapleford Councillor Richard MacRae were present at the event, where they delivered speeches. Recently, Chancellor Rachael Reeves returned to the United Kingdom from China and subsequently announced the revitalization of the Chinese Super Embassy project, raising concerns among the Hong Kong populace residing in the UK. Consequently, one of the attendees inquired of Juliet Campbell MP regarding the Labour Party’s position towards the Beijing Government and whether the citizens of Hong Kong can continue to rely on the British government to regard the United Kingdom as their home country.
Juliet Campbell MP commenced the seminar with a welcoming address, reminding holders of the British National Overseas (BNO) visa of their entitlement to reside in the United Kingdom, as well as their ongoing pathway to citizenship. Furthermore, she urged the Hong Kong community to bear in mind that they possess the same rights to access services as all residents of the United Kingdom, emphasizing that the process will be more streamlined.
One of the participants expresses his concern regarding the Labour Party’s stance following Rachael Reeves’ recent visit to China. Juliet Campbell MP responds that the UK Government’s long standing relationship with China does not impact its support for former residents of Hong Kong, who are now residing here in the UK. The UK Government is sensitive to the challenges faced by the Hong Kong community and will endeavour to support you in every way that it can.
1月18日港人社區利益公司諾思港 (Hong Kong Notts CIC) 及香港專業人士CIC (Hong Kong Professionals CIC) 於Stapleford 的社區中心舉辦了一場關於定居及入籍的法律講座。國會議員 Juliet Campbell 及 Stapleford 地區議員Richard MacRae 亦有出席並致辭。近日, 財政大臣李韻晴 (Rachel Reeves) 出訪中國後宣布支持中國重啟興建「超級大使館」計劃, 引起在英港人擔憂。講座期間一名聽眾向Juliet Campbell詢問工黨對北京政府取態及在英港人是否可放心視英國為家園。
Juliet Campbell 致歡迎辭期間表示工黨政府歡迎港人移英, 並提醒在英港人應緊記其具有合法居英又入籍成為英國公民權利, 亦與其他國籍的居英同樣享有使用公共服務的權利, 而工黨政府會盡力確保相關流程簡易順暢。
一名講座聽眾向Juliet Campbell 提出對財政大臣李韻晴出訪中國一事感到憂心。Juliet Campbell 表示工黨政府充份了解英中關係, 同事亦同情及了解港人所擔憂之事。Juliet Campbell 強調英國政府願意支持港人在英生活。