4Wings 香港新移民歡迎計劃 – 4Wings Hong Kong Welcome Programme

(Scroll down for English)

Hello,我係Kathrin Friedrich,係利物浦嘅4Wings總監。



我哋係 Hanover Street 嘅 Office,就喺利物浦市中心,靠近中央巴士站同埋火車站,為大家提供實際嘅支持、小組訓練、以及一系列個人發展同學習課程,重點係關注心理健康同埋獲取適用於就業嘅可轉移技能同能力。


  • 自由參加的問答時間,回答你有關在英國生活和工作的個別問題
  • 關於英國文化和商業禮儀的工作坊
  • 就業準備:如何撰寫有效的簡歷和求職信,以及如何成功應對面試
  • 抗逆力計劃,幫助令人沮喪和失落的就業過程。



移民婦女更容易遭受虐待和家庭暴力,同時也面臨著雙重歧視和勞動力市場排斥。這可能會導致孤立、焦慮和抑鬱。因此,我們希望邀請特別是女性加入4Wings,討論她們的困境,學習心理健康策略,並在4 Wings提供的非判斷性、安全和熱情的環境中組成互助小組。

請每週三下午2點來我們的辦公室Church House,位於利物浦市中心Hanover Street 1號,郵編L1 3DN。 (7月起,工作坊將於週五下午12點舉行。)

您可以通過電子郵件(Carol Lo, c.lo@4wings.co.uk)與4Wings聯繫,對其他問題也歡迎隨時聯繫,並請隨時在您的社區內分享此頁面和附加的傳單。

英國就業機會攻略 免費網上講座系列 – 4Wings 香港新移民歡迎計劃

馬上加入我們4Wings 香港新移民歡迎計劃 Whatsapp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IjXg5vKVOfbIqK48cCrxUe


英國就業機會攻略 免費網上講座系列 – 4Wings 香港新移民歡迎計劃

Website: 4wings.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/4wings1uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4wings1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/4wings1
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/4wings-northwest-cic-6470249911

Hi, I am Kathrin Friedrich a director at 4Wings in Liverpool.
We are now very happy to be able to announce our Hong Kong Welcome Programme.
4Wings has 10 years of experience supporting minoritised women, asylum seekers and refugees, who come to the UK to build a safer and better life.
From our premisses in Hanover Street, right in the center of Liverpool close to the central bus and train stations we provide practical support, group coaching and a wide range of personal development and learning programmes with a focus on mental well-being and the acquisition of transferable skills and competencies for employment.
As part of the HONG KONG WELCOME PROGRAMME, we offer for women, but also for men:
  • Drop-in sessions to answer your individual questions regarding living and working in the UK
  • Work-shops on British Culture and Business Etiquette
  • Preparation to find Employment:
    • how to write an effective CV and cover letter
    • how to succeed in competency-based interviews
  • A Resilience Programme helping to manage the often frustrating and demoralising settlement and employment process.
We have a hospital doctor in our team, who can answer urgent questions and help navigating the NHS as well as an English teacher.
Getting started and building a life in a new country is difficult and can be very stressful. This can affect our mental health and well-being, often it specifically affects women.
Migrant women are more vulnerable to mistreatment and domestic abuse, they also experience double discrimination and labour market exclusion. This can lead to isolation, anxiety and depression. Therefore, we would like to invite specifically women to join 4Wings to talk about their struggles, learn mental-health strategies and to form a mutual support group in the non-judgmental, safe and welcoming environment at 4 Wings.
Please come and get to know us every Wednesday from 2pm in our office, Church House, 1 Hanover Street, Liverpool, L1 3DN.
(Sessions will move to Fridays from 12pm in July).
You can contact me by email (Carol Lo, c.lo@4wings.co.uk) for any other questions and please feel free to share this page and the attached flyer within your community. We can also work remotely.
I am very much looking forward to meeting you.