介紹英國嘅唔同政黨 同埋香港人可能考慮嘅因素 為五月投票做好準備


  1. 保守黨: 也被稱為托利黨,保守黨目前是英國的執政黨。它是一個中右翼的政黨,主張自由市場資本主義、小政府和強大的國防。
  2. 工黨: 工黨是英國的主要反對黨。它是一個中左翼的政黨,主張社會正義、工人權利和國家在經濟中扮演更大的角色。
  3. 自由民主黨: 自由民主黨是一個中間派政黨,倡導自由和進步政策。他們主張個人自由、社會正義和國際合作。
  4. 蘇格蘭民族黨: 蘇格蘭民族黨(SNP)是一個中左翼的政黨,主張蘇格蘭獨立於英國之外。它還推動社會正義、環境保護和蘇格蘭民族主義。
  5. 綠黨: 綠黨是一個左翼的政黨,主張環境保護、社會正義和和平。它致力於推動可持續發展和減少碳排放。
  6. 民主聯盟黨: 民主聯盟黨(DUP)是一個中右翼的政黨,位於北愛爾蘭。它主張北愛爾蘭繼續留在英國,並促進保守基督教價值觀。
  7. 愛爾蘭共和黨: 愛爾蘭共和黨是一個愛爾蘭共和主義政黨,主張統一愛爾蘭。它是一個左翼政黨,推動社會正義、環境保護和愛爾蘭民族主義。



  1. 政治觀點:香港人可能會考慮候選人和政黨的政治觀點和立場,選擇與自己價值觀和信仰相符的候選人和政黨。
  2. 政策:他們也可能會考慮候選人和政黨提出的政策,選擇他們認為能為他們和社會帶來利益的政策。
  3. 個人背景:香港人可能會考慮候選人的個人背景、經驗和履歷,選擇他們信任和尊重的候選人。
  4. 政黨立場:有些香港人可能對某個政黨有很強的認同感,不論候選人的個人素質或政策如何,都會投票支持該政黨的候選人。
  5. 當前議題:香港人可能也會考慮當前英國面臨的議題和挑戰,例如脫歐、移民和醫療保健等,並投票支持他們認為有最佳解決方案的候選人和政黨。


More Info:
趁早註冊投票 發揮真正的選票力量! Vote before it’s too late like XG

The United Kingdom has several political parties that play a role in shaping the country’s political landscape. Here are some of the major political parties in the UK:

  1. Conservative Party: Also known as the Tories, the Conservative Party is currently the ruling party in the UK. It is a centre-right party that advocates for free market capitalism, smaller government, and a strong national defense.
  2. Labour Party: The Labour Party is the main opposition party in the UK. It is a centre-left party that advocates for social justice, workers’ rights, and a larger role for the state in the economy.
  3. Liberal Democrats: The Liberal Democrats are a centrist party that promotes liberal and progressive policies. They advocate for individual liberty, social justice, and international cooperation.
  4. Scottish National Party: The Scottish National Party (SNP) is a centre-left party that advocates for Scottish independence from the United Kingdom. It also promotes social justice, environmentalism, and Scottish nationalism.
  5. Green Party: The Green Party is a left-wing party that advocates for environmentalism, social justice, and peace. It seeks to promote sustainable development and reduce carbon emissions.
  6. Democratic Unionist Party: The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is a centre-right party that is based in Northern Ireland. It advocates for Northern Ireland to remain a part of the United Kingdom and promotes conservative Christian values.
  7. Sinn Féin: Sinn Féin is an Irish republican party that advocates for the unification of Ireland. It is a left-wing party that promotes social justice, environmentalism, and Irish nationalism.

These are just a few of the major political parties in the UK. There are many other parties and movements that also play a role in shaping the country’s political landscape.

What factors Hong Kong people who are UK citizens or residents may consider when voting in UK elections, here are some possible factors:

  1. Political views: Hong Kong people may consider the political views and positions of the candidates and parties, and choose the ones that align with their own values and beliefs.
  2. Policies: They may also consider the policies proposed by the candidates and parties, and choose the ones that they believe will benefit them and the society.
  3. Personal background: Hong Kong people may also consider the personal background, experience, and track record of the candidates, and choose the ones that they trust and respect.
  4. Party affiliation: Some Hong Kong people may have a strong affiliation with a particular political party, and vote for its candidates regardless of their personal qualities or policies.
  5. Current issues: Hong Kong people may also consider the current issues and challenges facing the UK, such as Brexit, immigration, and healthcare, and vote for the candidates and parties that they believe have the best solutions.

These are just some possible factors that Hong Kong people who are UK citizens or residents may consider when voting in UK elections.