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Areas of practice: Dispute resolution, civil and criminal litigation, family disputes, wills and probate, commercial agreements and contract disputes
Name: Genevieve Ku
Contact: +44(0)7361087142 or [email protected]
Areas of practice: Arbitration, litigation, building and construction, conveyancing, will and probate, general commercial matter
Name: Humphrey CHEUNG
Contact: 07884089671 (mobile), [email protected] / [email protected] (email)
Legal qualifications: England & Wales, HKSAR, BVI
Other qualifications: Chartered Builder (UK), Chartered Surveyor (UK & HKSAR)
Areas of practice: dispute resolution (property disputes, public law / judicial reviews, contractual claims), immigration (BNO and all visa routes, asylum seeking), employment (Grievance, ACAS, Employment Tribunal)
Name: Sunny Li
Contact: [email protected]
Website: https://www.cantoneselawyer.co.uk/
Areas of practice: lmmigration, Residential and Commercial Property Conveyancing, Wills and Probate, Civil Litigation, Contract Disputes, Landlord and Tenant
Name: Joanne Chung
Contact: +44(0)7903608792 or [email protected]
Areas of practice: Regulatory, Compliance, Criminal and Contracts
Name: Michael Lau
Contact: +44 7446828021
Areas of practice: General, Property, Dispute resolution/ civil litigation, Family, Criminal, Wills and probate, Contract and Commercial
Name: Henry Wong
Contact: 07999753983 / 07979899159 or [email protected]
Solicitor of England and Wales, Solicitor of HKSAR, Solicitor of Ireland
Areas of practice: Family Law in England and Wales
Name: Brenda Wong Robinson
Contact: 01793 687502 / 07522 528043 / [email protected]
Areas of practice: Immigration, Residential and Commercial Conveyancing, Litigation, Family Law, Business Law, and Wills and Probate
Name: Lisa’s Law Solicitors
Contact: [email protected]
Areas of practice: Immigration (BNO, Asylum, Settlement, Skilled Worker Visa, other personal and business immigration), Litigation, Court Representation, Debt Recovery, Contract, Company Formation, Wills and Probate, Landlord and Tenant Dispute etc
Name: OneLaw Chambers
Contact: +44 7462125733 / [email protected]
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We are excited to announce that we now have a directory page https://livinintheuk.com/archives/709/在英國的廣東話律師目錄 on our website, where we feature the details of cantonese speaking solicitors in the UK. Our website ranks within the top 5 search results for the keyword “英國廣東話律師” on google.co.uk at the moment.
If you are a cantonese speaking solicitor in the UK who wishes to have your information listed here, please email your brief information “Area of practice, name, contact” to [email protected]. Please note that we cannot guarantee that your information will be included in the directory, and we are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by inaccurate or incomplete information.
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