曼徹斯特「初選無罪- 聲援香港47人案聯合行動」
“NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47” Campaign (Please scroll down for English)
時間:下午 2:30 – 3:00
地點:Market Street Arndale
當日會進行半小時默站,加現場義工派發單張向途人講解。如方便請大家Black Bloc 穿全黑衣物到場參與,方便識別。到時見。
“NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47” Campaign
Date: 15/4 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 – 3:00pm
Venue: Market Street, Arndale Manchester
We will have a silent protest and all are welcome to join us in support of the Hong Kong 47. Please see attached files for more information of the Hong Kong 47. Come in black bloc for solidarity if you can.
See you there.
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