為何英國有些價格已包含增值稅, 而有些產品卻不需支付增值稅?

在英國,增值稅(Value Added Tax)是加在大多數貨品和服務上的一種稅收。然而,有些貨品和服務是免稅的,另一些則是零稅率的。




In the UK, VAT (Value Added Tax) is a tax that is added to most goods and services. However, some goods and services are exempt from VAT, and others are zero-rated.

Goods and services that are exempt from VAT include things like certain types of insurance, education and training, medical and dental treatment, and finance. These items are exempt from VAT because they are considered essential goods and services that should not be subject to additional tax.

Goods and services that are zero-rated for VAT include things like food, children’s clothing, books, and newspapers. These items are subject to VAT, but at a rate of 0%, which means that no VAT is actually charged.

When prices are listed as including VAT, it means that the VAT has already been added to the price. This is typically the case for goods and services that are not exempt from VAT. When prices are listed without VAT, it means that the VAT will be added to the price at the point of sale. This is typically the case for goods and services that are zero-rated for VAT.