除了ILR 的 Life in the UK, 申請英國公民身份也需要兩名推薦人(附推薦人要求列表)











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Requirements of the two referees for applying for British citizenship

Requirements of a referee

Each referee should know the applicant personally.

Where the applicant is a child applying, one referee should be a professional who has engaged with the child in a professional capacity, such as a teacher, health visitor, social worker or minister of religion.

For an adult application, one referee should be a person of any nationality who has professional standing, eg minister of religion, civil servant, or a member of a professional body e.g. accountant or solicitor (who is not representing you with this application).

For all applications, the second referee must normally be the holder of a British citizen passport and either a professional person or over the age of 25.

Referees must:
• not be a relative
• not be a solicitor or agent representing you on this application
• not be related to the other referee;;
• not be employed by the Home Office;;
• not have been convicted of an imprisonable offence during the last 10 years
(unless that conviction can be disregarded in line with the table shown in the
• have known the applicant personally;;
• be willing to give full details of their knowledge of the applicant;;
• advise the Home Office of any reason why the applicant should not be

Referee will need to have the declarations:
• That I am qualified to act as a referee.
• That the photograph above is a true likeness of the applicant.
• That I understand each of the points in the “Requirements of a referee”
• That, to the best of my knowledge, the details of the applicant given in this
application are correct.
• That my details as a referee given in this application are correct.
• That I understand that I could be fined up to £5,000, or go to prison for up to
3 months, if I knowingly give false information.

Reference: https://visas-immigration.service.gov.uk/documents/1st_Referee_Declaration_MN1.pdf

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