- 認識申請人(成年人)至少3年
- 持有英國護照,並且是專業人士或年齡超過25歲(至少一名推薦人必須是專業人士)
- 與申請人或另一名推薦人有親屬關係
- 是申請人的代理人
- 受僱於英國內政部
- 在過去10年內因可判刑事罪名被判刑,且未根據《1974年罪犯復權法》清除其罪行
- 會計師
- 航空公司飛行員
- 有限公司的受訓職員
- 認可公司的保險代理人
- 銀行或建屋互助會的職員
- 大律師
- 英國電腦學會 (BCS) – 專業級別,包括助理會員 (AMBCS)、會員 (MBCS)、院士 (FBCS)
- 經紀
- 有限公司的主席或董事
- 化學師
- 足病診療師
- 基督教科學治療師
- 宣誓官
- 地方或郡議員
- 公務員(常任)
- 牙醫
- 指定營業場所監督員
- 增值稅註冊慈善機構的董事或經理
- 增值稅註冊公司的董事、經理或人事主管
- 合資格的駕駛教練
- 工程師(具專業資格)
- 消防部門官員
- 殯儀館主管
- 認可公司的全職保險代理
- 記者
- 太平紳士
- 法律秘書(法律秘書學會的會員和院士)
- 地方政府官員
- 有限公司的人事主管或經理
- 國會議員
- 英國武裝部隊成員
- 商船海軍官員
- 認可宗教的牧師
- 護士(RN、SEN 或護理學士)
- 現役或退役的武裝部隊官員
- 驗光師
- 律師助理(具認證或資格的律師助理,以及律師助理學會的助理會員)
- 榮譽獲授者(如 OBE、MBE 等)
- 個人執照持有人
- 專業攝影師
- 警察
- 郵政局職員
- 認可組織的主席或秘書
- 救世軍軍官
- 社工
- 律師
- 測量師
- 教師、講師
- 工會職員
- 合資格的旅行社人員
- 估價師和拍賣師(註冊學會的院士和助理會員)
- 准尉和高級士官
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Requirements of the two referees for applying for British citizenship
All applicants for British citizenship must provide 2 referees to establish their identity.
You must ensure that the following requirements are met:
The referee must:
- have known the (adult) applicant for at least 3 years
- a British passport holder and either a professional person or aged over 25 (at least one referee must be a professional person)
The referee must not:
- be related to the applicant or the other referee
- be the applicant’s representative
- be employed by the Home Office
- have been convicted of an imprisonable offence in the last 10 years for which the sentence is not spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
For child applicants at least one of the referees must be a person who has dealt with the child in a professional role such as a teacher, doctor, health visitor or social worker. Where a child cannot provide a referee who has dealt with them in a professional capacity and has provided documents to show that they have attempted to do so, you can accept 2 referees who meet the criteria for referees on adult applications.
Requirements of a referee
Each referee should know the applicant personally.
Where the applicant is a child applying, one referee should be a professional who has engaged with the child in a professional capacity, such as a teacher, health visitor, social worker or minister of religion.
For an adult application, one referee should be a person of any nationality who has professional standing, eg minister of religion, civil servant, or a member of a professional body e.g. accountant or solicitor (who is not representing you with this application).
‘Acceptable professional persons’ means:
- accountant
- airline pilot
- articled clerk of a limited company
- assurance agent of recognised company
- bank or building society official
- barrister
- British Computer Society (BCS) – professional grades which are Associate
- (AMBCS), Member (MBCS), Fellow (FBCS)
- broker
- chairman or director of limited company
- chemist
- chiropodist
- christian science practitioner
- commissioner for oaths
- councillor: local or county
- civil servant (permanent)
- dentist
- designated premises supervisors
- director or Manager of a VAT registered charity
- director, manager or personnel officer of a VAT registered company
- driving instructor (approved)
- engineer (with professional qualifications)
- fire service official
- funeral director
- insurance agent (full time) of a recognised company
- journalist
- justice of the Peace
- legal secretary (members and fellows of the Institute of legal secretaries)
- local government officer
- manager or Personnel officer (of limited company)
- member of Parliament
- member of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces
- Merchant Navy officer
- minister of a recognised religion
- nurse (RN, SEN or holder of a BA in nursing)
- officer of the armed services (active or retired)
- optician
- paralegal (certified or qualified paralegals, and associate members of the Institute of Paralegals)
- person with honours (such as OBE, MBE and so on)
- personal licensee holders
- photographer (professional)
- police officer
- Post Office official
- president or secretary of a recognised organisation
- Salvation Army officer
- social worker
- solicitor
- surveyor
- teacher, lecturer
- trade union officer
- travel agency (qualified)
- valuers and auctioneers (fellow and associate members of the incorporated society)
- warrant officers and chief petty officers
For all applications, the second referee must normally be the holder of a British citizen passport and either a professional person or over the age of 25.
Referees must:
• not be a relative
• not be a solicitor or agent representing you on this application
• not be related to the other referee;;
• not be employed by the Home Office;;
• not have been convicted of an imprisonable offence during the last 10 years
(unless that conviction can be disregarded in line with the table shown in the
• have known the applicant personally;;
• be willing to give full details of their knowledge of the applicant;;
• advise the Home Office of any reason why the applicant should not be
Referee will need to have the declarations:
• That I am qualified to act as a referee.
• That the photograph above is a true likeness of the applicant.
• That I understand each of the points in the “Requirements of a referee”
• That, to the best of my knowledge, the details of the applicant given in this
application are correct.
• That my details as a referee given in this application are correct.
• That I understand that I could be fined up to £5,000, or go to prison for up to
3 months, if I knowingly give false information.