香港居民長期身處香港以外地區的原因有很多。如果香港人不在香港,他們如何使用消費券呢?例如,英國的香港人是否可以在當地使用該券?以下是使用「Tap n Go」Master Debit Account 使用消費券的小貼士:
使用 Hotels.com (香港) 以港幣預訂在利物浦數晚或在倫敦一至兩晚的酒店住宿。
點擊預訂 Booking.com(香港):
2. 使用 Skyscanner(香港)以港幣預訂前往歐洲的短途旅行機票!
>>> 香港精選酒店 (港幣定價 每天更新)
>>>低至四折! 利物浦機場 停車場 見面同迎接 (Meet and Greet) 停車轉乘飛機 (Park and Ride)
>>>低至四折! 曼徹斯特機場 停車場 見面同迎接 (Meet and Greet) 停車轉乘飛機 (Park and Ride)
Our Facebook and Whatsapp Groups: https://livinintheuk.com/archives/42/
Before taking any action, it is important to verify your eligibility and review the terms and conditions for using the XG consumer voucher. Please note that the study mentioned above is not intended to encourage any particular course of action.
How to Use the Hong Kong Government’s Consumption Voucher Outside of Hong Kong: Tips for Hong Kongers Abroad
There are many reasons why a Hong Kong resident might be outside of Hong Kong for a long period of time, such as for work, study, or visiting friends and relatives. However, how can a Hong Konger use the consumption voucher issued by the Hong Kong government if they are not physically in Hong Kong? For example, can someone in the UK use the voucher there? Here are some tips for using the consumer voucher with a “Tap n Go” Master debit account:
1. Take a short trip to Liverpool or London!
Book a few nights’ hotel stay in Liverpool or one or two nights’ hotel stay in London at Hotels.com Hong Kong using HKD.
Hot Liverpool Hotels Deals (Updated Daily Booking.com (Hong Kong) in HKD):
Hot London Hotels Deals (Updated Daily Booking.com (Hong Kong) in HKD):
Click to book at Booking.com (Hong Kong) Chinese:
2. Book a short trip ticket to Europe using Skyscanner (Hong Kong) using HKD!
Before taking any action, it is important to verify your eligibility and review the terms and conditions for using the XG consumer voucher. Please note that the study mentioned above is not intended to encourage any particular course of action.