移英港人不乏租住物業的租客及投資出租物業的業主。隨著工黨上台,上屆保守黨政府修改租務法例的 Renters (Reform) Bill 現由工黨的 Renters’ Rights Bill 取代並將於近期交到下議院辯論。
Trafford Hong Kongers CIC、英國港僑協會 及 Hong Kong Professionals CIC 就 Renters’ Rights Bill 對業主及租客的影響舉辦兩場講座,分別由 Henry Wong 律師及 Sunny Li 律師主講,希望各港人租客及業主了解自身權利及對相關法例改動做好準備。
Many Hongkongers in the UK are either tenants renting property or landlords who have invested in rental properties. With the Labour Party now in power, the Renters (Reform) Bill, which the previous Conservatives government amended, has been replaced by the Labour Party’s Renters’ Rights Bill, which is soon to be debated in the House of Commons.
Trafford Hongkongers CIC, Hongkongers In Britain, and the Hong Kong Professionals CIC are organising two seminars on the impact of the Renters’ Rights Bill on landlords and tenants. The seminars, led by solicitors Henry Wong and Sunny Li, aim to help Hongkongers understand their rights and prepare for the upcoming changes to the relevant legislation.
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