4Wings 喺利物浦提供嘅社會服務,特別關注邊緣化同埋經歷過創傷、虐待或者流離失所嘅群體。喺佢哋嘅項目當中,每個星期三舉辦嘅工作坊非常受歡迎,特別係對於婦女來講。工作坊涵蓋各種重要議題,包括就業技巧,例如CV編寫同面試技巧;財務技能,如銀行業務、預算編制同埋高效理財;同埋關於預防家庭虐待、法律權利同埋支援嘅課程。
參加呢啲工作坊,婦女可以從4Wings環境中得到社群支持,獲取實用技能,並加強對社會重要問題嘅理解。4Wings 提供嘅項目係為咗回應會員嘅直接需要,目的係為咗培養支援社群,發展技能,同鼓勵積極嘅公民參與同投入。
電郵: [email protected]
地址: 2樓|Suite 5|Church House, 1 Hanover Street, 利物浦, L1 3DN
About 4Wings:
Website: 4wings.co.uk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/4wings1uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/4wings1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/4wings1
重要聲明:livinintheuk.com 提供嘅活動信息僅作為轉發之用。我哋唔負責組織或舉辦任何提及嘅活動,亦冇從中獲得任何利益。我哋旨在幫助香港移民了解英國生活,但提醒讀者自行核實所有活動相關資訊。
Important Disclaimer: The event information provided by livinintheuk.com is for forwarding purposes only. We are not responsible for organizing or hosting any of the mentioned events, nor do we benefit from them in any way. Our aim is to assist Hong Kong immigrants in understanding life in the UK, but we remind readers to verify all event-related information on their own.