上個星期六,我哋一行六人慶祝母親節,預訂咗位於 Bebington, Wirral 嘅日本餐廳 Nikko Sushi。呢間餐廳地址係 19 Church Rd, CH63 7PG,而且喺 24 Church Rd, CH63 7TD 有提供免費泊車位,非常方便。
Nikko Sush i係一間新開嘅餐廳,由香港人開設,至今開業一個月。餐廳空間唔算好大,座位同枱子都唔多,到我哋到達嗰時(下晝5點),已經預訂得差唔多滿座。
餐廳嘅食物新鮮、質素高,無論係壽司定刺身都做得好出色。我嘅朋友喺倫敦至愛丁堡試過好多日本餐廳,但佢話 Nikko Sushi 係佢目前嚟講排名第一。員工同大廚都好專業又友善,服務周到,令人感覺好舒適。
總括嚟講,Nikko Sushi 係一間值得推薦嘅日本餐廳。如果你喜歡嘗試高質日本菜,呢間餐廳絕對係你嘅不二之選。記得提早預訂,因為位子實在有限!
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Last Saturday, to celebrate Mother’s Day, my friends and I, a group of six, booked a table at Nikko Sushi, a Japanese restaurant located at 19 Church Rd, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 7PG. Conveniently, there’s free parking available at 24 Church Rd, CH63 7TD.
Nikko Sushi is a new establishment, opened by Hong Kong expatriates just a month ago. The restaurant isn’t very large, with a limited number of seats and tables. By the time we arrived at 5 pm, it was nearly fully booked.
The food at Nikko Sushi is both fresh and of high quality, from sushi to sashimi, everything was impeccable. My friend, who has tried numerous Japanese restaurants from London to Edinburgh, ranked Nikko Sushi as her top choice. The staff and chefs were both professional and friendly, providing excellent service that made us feel very welcome.
In summary, Nikko Sushi is a highly recommendable Japanese restaurant. For those who appreciate fine Japanese cuisine, this place is a must-try. Just be sure to book in advance, as seating is limited!