- 駕駛時使用手機
- 超速或在不適當的情況下開車過快
- 酒醉或在服用藥物後駕駛
- 未繫安全帶或未確保乘客繫上安全帶
- 忽略交通信號和標誌,例如闖紅燈或停車標誌
- 危險超車或占道行駛
- 駕駛時行車不禮貌或未能注意安全
- 與其他車輛保持不安全的距離
- 駕駛時沒有有效的駕照或保險
- 未能妥善固定車載貨物
A list of dangerous driving habits that could potentially result in a fine or penalty in the UK. These include:
- Using a mobile phone while driving
- Speeding or driving too fast for the conditions
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Failing to wear a seatbelt or ensure passengers wear a seatbelt
- Failing to obey traffic signals and signs, such as running red lights or stop signs
- Dangerous overtaking or undertaking
- Driving aggressively or without due care and attention
- Failing to maintain a safe distance from other vehicles
- Driving without a valid licence or insurance
- Failing to properly secure a load on a vehicle
It’s worth noting that fines and penalties for these offences can vary depending on the severity of the offence and other factors. It’s important to always follow safe driving practices and obey traffic laws to avoid potential accidents and penalties.