(Forward) 英國港僑協會《香港人就業問卷調查2024》呢六大議題係過去兩年, 一直都未解決但又好影響香港人就業嘅 issues


英國港僑協會誠意邀請咁多位移英港人,用 10 分鐘時間做《香港人就業問卷調查2024》。 🙏


1. 學徒 (Apprentice) 職位申請
2. 成人教育撥款資助課程 (Courses funded by Adult Education Budget)
3. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) 英文班
4. 成人學生貸款 (Advanced Learner Loan)
5. 繳交發出 BN(O) 簽證前嘅自願性國民保險供款 (voluntary National Insurance contribution)
6. BN(O) 簽證持有人「不能擔任專業運動員及運動教練」嘅移民限制

呢六大議題係過去兩年, 一直都未解決但又好影響香港人就業嘅 issue 嚟

所以之後都會 focus 喺政策層面去推動更多 BNO visa friendly policies

重要聲明:livinintheuk.com 提供嘅活動信息僅作為轉發之用。我哋唔負責組織或舉辦任何提及嘅活動,亦冇從中獲得任何利益。我哋旨在幫助香港移民了解英國生活,但提醒讀者自行核實所有活動相關資訊。

Important Disclaimer: The event information provided by livinintheuk.com is for forwarding purposes only. We are not responsible for organizing or hosting any of the mentioned events, nor do we benefit from them in any way. Our aim is to assist Hong Kong immigrants in understanding life in the UK, but we remind readers to verify all event-related information on their own.