IB課程的評估與實務主任Matt Glanville接受訪問時表示,將人工智能生成的作品當成自己的作品違反學術誠信,但這不等於要禁止使用它,學校應幫助學生以合乎道德的方式使用AI。他認為,長遠來看,人工智能可節省學校教授論文寫作的時間,這些時間可用於理解和分析疑難,教育界應該慶祝而非恐懼。
International Baccalaureate Allows Students to Use ChatGPT to Write Essays
The use of the AI chatbot ChatGPT has been controversial in academic circles, with some universities around the world banning its use due to concerns of facilitating cheating. However, some schools believe that the program can be used appropriately. According to the UK’s Times newspaper, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, which is popular among Hong Kong students, will not prohibit students from using ChatGPT as long as they cite the source and do not engage in plagiarism.
Matt Glanville, the assessment and practice manager for the IB program, stated in an interview with The Times that while presenting AI-generated work as one’s own is a violation of academic integrity, it does not mean that its use should be banned. Schools should assist students in using AI in ethical ways. He believes that AI could ultimately save schools time in teaching essay writing, which could be used to help students understand and analyze difficult topics.
In contrast, the University of Hong Kong has recently announced a policy banning the use of ChatGPT and other AI tools in any credit-bearing activities. Violators will be considered to have potentially plagiarized the work of others. The university’s deputy provost for teaching, Dr. Kelvin Ho, stated that the university is considering the impact of such tools on teaching and will invite faculty and students to discuss their use in the future.
Overall, while the use of ChatGPT in academic writing may be controversial, it is clear that there are differing opinions on the matter. It is important for schools and universities to find a way to balance the benefits and risks of using AI in education.