(Forward) 彩虹邊的曼徹斯特:2024聚會🌈 3/2/2024 星期六

Unity in Diversity: Connecting Hearts in Manchester 2024🌈

感謝the Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Community Fund支持,Trafford Hongkongers CIC今次聯同港僑協會既Project LGBTQ+,舉辦一個以LGBTQ+為主題既聚餐。Project LGBTQ+起2023倫敦下半年舉辦不同主題既聚會,今次終於有機會登陸曼徹斯特同自己人見面!集合吧,中部既朋友仔!起呢個聚會入面,除左有機會認識大家,更透過遊戲,食飯等分享大家既在英苦與樂、成長與掙扎,為求讓大家可以起凍冰冰🥶既一月取取暖🔥
In collaboration with Project LGBTQ+ under Hongkongers in Britain, Trafford Hongkongers CIC is organising a LGBTQ+ themed gathering in Manchester. Project LGBTQ, which began its events in London in the second half of 2023, has been hosting various themed gatherings.
In this gathering, besides the chance to get to know each other, we will engage in games, share meals, and more. Through these activities, we aim to share the joys and challenges of our lives in the UK, our growth, and struggles. Let’s warm up this January by connecting with one another and creating a supportive community! 🔥❄️

活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date : 3 Feb 2024 (星期六 / Saturday)
時間 / Time : 12:30pm – 4:30pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : Saan1, 5 Kelvin St, Manchester M4 1ET
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
名額 / Capacity : 20
費用 / Cost : 免費 / Free
報名方法 / Registration :
協辦機構 / co-organisers:
Trafford Hongkongers CIC

查詢 / Enquiries :
Lucas Yue Project LGBTQ+ 外展主任 – lucas.yue@hongkongers.org.uk

Disclaimer: Personal data collected will be used for this activity or case-related purpose only. For detailed information please refer to our privacy policy.
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Important Disclaimer: The event information provided by livinintheuk.com is for forwarding purposes only. We are not responsible for organizing or hosting any of the mentioned events, nor do we benefit from them in any way. Our aim is to assist Hong Kong immigrants in understanding life in the UK, but we remind readers to verify all event-related information on their own.