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入場門票現於Eventbrite公開免費登記 *請Scan宣傳圖上嘅QR code,或者透過呢條link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/lightime-cic-46923570723 登記啦!
繼9月底曼城嘉茜公園中秋燈籠展及夜市之後,Lightime CIC再獲曼城市政府支持同批出Market Rights Licence (市集牌照),舉辦同樣極具香港特色嘅曼城賓士域農曆新年年宵及慶祝活動。今次嘅活動移師到室內 (因為天氣實在太凍喇),希望可以同大家再一齊玩一齊共聚。有興趣參與嘅朋友唔好猶豫喇,快啲去㩒飛啦!
時間:12:45-14:45|15:00-17:00|17:15-19:15 (三個Section)
地點:Brunswick Parish Church (Brunswick Street Manchester M13 9SX)
*教堂後面同周邊都有免費泊車地點,如果你哋參與過Bee Like Summer 2022,呢個場地你一定唔會陌生)
門票:免費(包三次免費玩新年主題Stall Game嘅機會、1杯汽水或茶及2枚朱古力金幣)
12:45-14:45 Section 1: 金墨方形揮春書寫工作坊 (名額50名,即場報名) 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 1
5:00-1700 Section 2: 利是封紙藝燈籠工作坊 (名額30名,即場報名) 難易度:★★★☆☆
17:15-1915 Section 3: 立體「龍」紙偶工作坊 (名額24名,即場報名) 難易度:★★☆☆☆
*我們目前尚有極少量的攤位招租,文化藝術攤位£40,乾貨攤位£60。全日共3個Section,早上10點開始setup,晚上8點離場。如果你有興趣擺攤或嘗試創業,可以透過以下網址向我哋登記同申請攤位: https://forms.gle/KwXAhYFfujSeEscN6
3) 賀年及特色食品
1. 台式珍珠奶茶及芋圓糖水
2. 日式甜品或小丸子、天婦羅、餃子
3. 韓式紫菜卷、炸雞
4. 歡迎建議任何題議,但我哋會防止食品類型相撞 如果你有興趣租用廚房窗口位,可以透過以下網址向我哋登記同申請: https://forms.gle/KwXAhYFfujSeEscN6
4) 新年特色攤位遊戲 適合任何年齡嘅朋友參與
5) 文化及藝術表演 *歡迎任何有意表演嘅朋友向我哋申請表演時段。我哋只提供一支咪、咪stand、譜架及busking用喇叭,如有需要,請自備樂器及器材。如果你有興趣表演,可以透過以下網址向我哋登記同申請: https://forms.gle/X6YX7R9HiJU5gTSF8
呢個活動適合一家大細參與。因為消防及安全條例,我哋必須實施人流管制。每時段參與人數上限為300人,必須一人一票並乎合正確時段方能進場,而每人只可以申請及參與其中一個section ,我哋唔接受重覆申請唔同時段,大會會刪除同名而重覆登記嘅人嘅門票,敬希見諒!
同時,我哋希望大家參與我哋嘅義工團,一齊服務曼城社區。如果你有興趣成為我哋義工團嘅一份子,可以透過以下網址向我哋登記同申請: https://forms.gle/W9M6gigA6uEHSCST6
今年係龍年,喺呢度預先祝大家龍精虎猛、行運一條龍、龍年快樂!2月10日大年初一年宵見! *如有查詢,歡迎send email去[email protected]同我哋聯絡。
Related information:
曼城四大香港新移民主辦的農曆新年市集盛會 Manchester Celebrates: HK’s LNY Festivals
Manchester Brunswick Lunar New Year Fair & Celebration
Join us for the Manchester Brunswick Lunar New Year Fair & Celebration at Brunswick Parish Church on February 10th, Saturday, the first day of the Lunar New Year.
After the success of the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival and Night Fair in Gartside Garden last September, Lightime CIC is excited to bring you another culturally rich event with the support of the Manchester City Council and the Market Rights License.
Event Details:
Date: February 10th (Saturday, Lunar New Year’s Day)
Time: 12:45-14:45 | 15:00-17:00 | 17:15-19:15 (Three Sessions) Location: Brunswick Parish Church (Brunswick Street, Manchester M13 9SX)
Ticket Information: Free admission, available through Eventbrite registration. *Scan the QR code on the promotional poster or register via this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/lightime-cic-46923570723
DIY Workshops:
– Section 1 (12:45-14:45): Gold Ink Square Couplets Writing Workshop (50 slots, on-site registration)
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
– Section 2 (15:00-17:00): Red Packet Paper Art Lantern Workshop (30 slots, on-site registration)
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
– Section 3 (17:15-19:15): 3D “Dragon” Paper Puppet Workshop (24 slots, on-site registration)
Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
*Participants can take their creations home.
Arts and Culture Market:
Featuring 16 stalls offering cultural, artistic, dry goods, and food items, creating the ambiance of a Hong Kong Lunar New Year market.
New Year and Specialty Foods:
Enjoy traditional delicacies like turnip cakes, rice cakes, fish balls, siu mai, soy milk, Hong Kong-style milk tea, and more.
New Year-themed Game Stalls: Fun and engaging games suitable for all ages.
Cultural and Artistic Performances: Calling all performers! Apply for a performance slot and showcase your talents. Equipment provided, or bring your instruments. Apply here: https://forms.gle/X6YX7R9HiJU5gTSF8
General Information: Due to fire and safety regulations, crowd control measures will be in place, with a maximum of 300 participants per session. Each person can only register for one session to ensure fair participation.
*Volunteers are welcome to join our team and contribute to the Manchester community. Apply as a volunteer: https://forms.gle/W9M6gigA6uEHSCST6
As we enter the Year of the Dragon, we wish everyone a prosperous and joyous Lunar New Year! See you on February 10th for the Lantern Festival! *For inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].
重要聲明:livinintheuk.com 提供嘅活動信息僅作為轉發之用。我哋唔負責組織或舉辦任何提及嘅活動,亦冇從中獲得任何利益。我哋旨在幫助香港移民了解英國生活,但提醒讀者自行核實所有活動相關資訊。
Important Disclaimer: The event information provided by livinintheuk.com is for forwarding purposes only. We are not responsible for organizing or hosting any of the mentioned events, nor do we benefit from them in any way. Our aim is to assist Hong Kong immigrants in understanding life in the UK, but we remind readers to verify all event-related information on their own.
想獲得更多英國生活嘅實用資訊?加入我哋嘅WhatsApp廣播名單同Facebook/WhatsApp群組啦!你可以喺呢度同其他香港移民交流經驗,並獲得最新嘅活動同資訊更新。立即點擊鏈接加入:WhatsApp廣播名單 及 Facebook/WhatsApp群組。一齊來探索英國生活嘅無限可能!