
最近,有消息指出國泰航空近日頻頻取消航班。根據《空姐 Secrets》及相關消息來源,國泰航空要全面恢復客運能力,需要超過3,000名機師,但目前僅有2,000多名,其中只得600多名具有高資歷嘅機長(Captain)。

香港航空機組人員協會主席Paul Weatherilt接受《星島頭條》訪問時表示,人手短缺問題主要因為2020年國泰大規模重組計劃中出現策略錯誤,機師訓練欠缺規劃。在目前面對「機長荒」情況下,國泰正在招募800名見習機師,但此舉似乎幫助不大。



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Cathay Pacific Flights from the UK to Hong Kong Facing Cancellation Risks, Passengers Advised to Stay Informed

Recently, there have been reports of frequent cancellations of Cathay Pacific flights. According to sources from “空姐 Secrets” and other information channels, for Cathay Pacific to fully restore its passenger capacity, over 3,000 pilots are needed. However, currently, they have just over 2,000 pilots, among whom only 600 are highly experienced captains.

Paul Weatherilt, the chairman of the Hong Kong Aircrew Officers Association, in an interview with “Sing Tao Daily,” stated that the shortage of staff mainly stems from strategic errors in Cathay Pacific’s massive restructuring plan in 2020, including a lack of planning in pilot training. The current scenario of a “pilot drought” seems to be worsening, and although Cathay Pacific is recruiting 800 trainee pilots, this effort appears to be of little significance.

He also warned that it might take Cathay Pacific between two to four years to train pilots and restore its operational capacity to pre-pandemic levels. This implies that flight cancellations might recur in the upcoming peak travel seasons.

In light of this information, passengers planning to travel from the UK to Hong Kong are advised to be cautious when booking flights and consider avoiding Cathay Pacific. It’s also recommended to keep a close watch on flight statuses and make corresponding arrangements timely.