Wirral 十大必試活動 Top 10 Things to Do in Wirral, Merseyside


  1. 參觀海濱城鎮新布萊頓(New Brighton) – 這個地區最近進行了復興,有很多新的景點,例如修復的維多利亞碼頭、海洋湖、有藝術壁畫的長堤和燈塔,以及各種餐廳和咖啡館。
  2. 沿著威拉爾小路(Wirral Way)散步 – 這條長12.5英里的步行和騎自行車的小路從West Kirby到Hooton,經過風景如畫的鄉村和林地。
  3. 探索Port Sunlight – 一個迷人的村莊,由William Hesketh Lever在19世紀末建造,用於容納他的肥皂工廠的工人。這個村莊以其美麗的建築和花園而聞名,並有一個致力於Lever生活和工作的博物館。
  4. 參觀Birkenhead Park – 由Joseph Paxton設計的大型一級古蹟公園,他還設計了倫敦的水晶宮。公園有划船湖、觀賞花園和幾個運動設施。
  5. 在利物浦購物 – 雖然利物浦不是威拉爾的一部分,但跨越默西河只需短途旅行,是購物和觀光的好去處。你可以參觀歷史悠久的阿爾伯特碼頭、披頭士的童年家庭和利物浦一號購物中心。
  6. 參觀威拉爾交通博物館 – 一個迷人的博物館,展示當地交通的歷史,包括老式巴士、有軌電車和汽車。
  7. 在Ness Botanic Gardens度過愉快的一天 – 這是一個佔地64英畝的植物園,有來自世界各地的超過15,000種植物,以及幾個溫室和一個咖啡廳。
  8. 參觀威廉森藝術畫廊暨博物館 – 這裡是文化寶石,擁有令人印象深刻的藝術藏品,包括透納、蓋恩斯博羅和洛瑞等畫家的作品,以及當地藝術家的作品。
  9. 在克萊爾蒙特農場騎馬 – 這是一個適合家庭的農場,提供騎馬課程和穿越鄉村的導遊。
  10. 前往威爾斯山區的一日遊 – 近在咫尺的斯諾登尼亞國家公園提供令人嘆為觀止的風景、远足步道和户外活動。

Wirral is a lovely area with plenty of things to do. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Visit the seaside town of New Brighton – this area has recently undergone a revitalization and has a lot of new attractions such as the restored Victorian pier, a marine lake, a promenade with street art and a lighthouse, and a variety of restaurants and cafes.
  2. Take a stroll along the Wirral Way – a 12.5-mile walking and cycling path that runs from West Kirby to Hooton, passing through picturesque countryside and woodlands.
  3. Explore Port Sunlight – a charming village built by William Hesketh Lever in the late 19th century to house workers at his soap factory. The village is known for its attractive architecture and gardens, and has a museum dedicated to Lever’s life and work.
  4. Visit Birkenhead Park – a large, Grade I-listed park designed by Joseph Paxton, who also designed London’s Crystal Palace. The park has a boating lake, ornamental gardens, and several sports facilities.
  5. Go shopping in Liverpool – although not technically in Wirral, Liverpool is just a short trip across the River Mersey and is a great destination for shopping and sightseeing. You can visit the historic Albert Dock, the Beatles’ childhood homes, and the Liverpool One shopping center.
  6. Take a trip to the Wirral Transport Museum – a fascinating museum that showcases the history of local transport, including vintage buses, trams, and cars.
  7. Enjoy a day at Ness Botanic Gardens – a 64-acre botanical garden with over 15,000 plant species from around the world, as well as several greenhouses and a cafe.
  8. Visit the Williamson Art Gallery & Museum – a cultural gem with an impressive collection of art, including works by Turner, Gainsborough, and Lowry, as well as local artists.
  9. Go horse riding at Claremont Farm – a family-friendly farm that offers horse riding lessons and guided treks through the countryside.
  10. Take a day trip to the nearby Welsh mountains – the stunning Snowdonia National Park is just a short drive away and offers breathtaking scenery, hiking trails, and outdoor activities.