西北部香港 BN(O) 通訊與最新資訊 North West Hong Kong BN(O) Newsletter & Updates – 17/02/2023 by RSMP

Please see below for the latest information that may useful/relevant to Hong Kong BN(O)’s in the North West. Please share relevant pieces among your network.

Employment Opportunity at the RSMP

The North West RSMP is recruiting for a Project Officer (Website Redesign) post on a temporary 6-month contract. The successful post will oversee the total project to redesign the RSMP website and the successful candidate should have; excellent IT skills, the ability to communicate well with internal and external stakeholders, the ability to oversee a potentially complex project with multiple strands, and the ability to identify and address multiple issues. For more information and to apply please visit this link Project Officer (Website Redesign) | Job Details | greater jobs . Application deadline is 11:59pm 27th February.


UKHK Projects

UKHK is excited to be releasing its two new projects centred on Youth and Wellbeing. Both projects videos are in Cantonese with English Subtitles.


Youth page – contains 3 brilliant videos which are fun, engaging and exciting for Hong Kong teenagers, we also look at issues around making friends, differences in UK/HK schooling and ways to integrate well. Please watch the trailer and share these videos with schools and youth groups in your region. On the webpage, there is also a downloadable resource which includes a PDF discussion plan for a group session with HK teenagers – perfect for a half an hour youth session.


Wellbeing page – Contains 3 wellbeing videos which cover a range of issues, with the aim of equipping people to start talking about and getting help with their own health and wellbeing. Please watch the trailer to find out more.


Optional Additional Safeguarding Training

There are additional safeguarding training sessions available, delivered by BHK training which delivers the introduction to safeguarding sessions arranged by the RSMP. Although these additional sessions are not covered by the RSMP you can opt to book yourself onto them at a cost of between £75 and £300 depending on the number of sessions you attend. Topics include: Suicide Prevention, Domestic Abuse in the Workplace, Harmful Practices, and Honour Based Violence. For further information you can email info@bkhtraining.co.uk


LGBT+ History Month

February is LGBT+ History Month in the UK and there will be plenty of events across the region to celebrate the diversity of the North West, the progress the LGBT+ rights movement has made and discuss what more needs to be done to achieve our vision of equality. LGBT+ history month holds an even greater significance in 2023 as this year marks 20 years since the repeal of “Section 28”, a law which prohibited the “promotion of Homosexuality” by Local Authorities. There will be events across the region to celebrate and commemorate and I encourage all Hong Kong groups to get involved. Including: an Event at Manchester Central Library specifically commemorating the repeal of Section 28 on Monday 20th Feb, an event celebrating the contribution of LGBT+ people to film in Warrington on 22nd February, as well as a number of events organised by National Museums Liverpool. For information on events specific to you please search your local museums, LGBT+ Rights Organisations, or your local authority.

二月係英國 LGBT+ 歷史月,本區將會舉辦多項活動慶祝西北地區的多元化,紀念 LGBT+ 權利運動所取得的進展,並討論還需付出的努力以實現平等的願景。2023 年的 LGBT+ 歷史月更加顯得特別,因為今年是「第 28 條法案」被廢除的 20 週年紀念,該法案曾禁止地方政府宣揚同性戀。本地將會有多項活動慶祝和紀念這個重要的里程碑,我鼓勵所有香港的團體參與其中。例如:2 月 20 日在曼徹斯特中央圖書館舉行的特別紀念「第 28 條法案」廢除的活動、2 月 22 日在 Warrington 舉行的慶祝 LGBT+ 人士對電影做出貢獻的活動,以及由國家博物館利物浦組織的多項活動。如欲獲取更多有關本地活動的資訊,請搜索當地博物館、LGBT+ 權利組織或當地政府。


National Moment of Silence – 1 Year Anniversary of Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has announced that the UK will observe a national minute’s silence on Friday February 24th at 11am to mark the one year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the start of the war. Since the start of the invasion millions of Ukrainians have been forced to flee their country, with 114,000 coming to the UK, including many thousands to the North West. The anniversary comes shortly after the historic visit by President Zelensky to the UK. I know that many Hong Kong groups have sought to welcome and support Ukrainians who have arrived in the UK, with many empathising and sharing their own experience of being forced to leave home, I would encourage all groups to observe the minute’s silence.


Update – VCSE Grants

A brief update on grants – all applications have been assessed and applicants have been informed of decisions. We are now going through due diligence checks and hope to announce grant recipients in the coming weeks.

有關撥款的簡要更新 – 所有申請均已評估完畢,申請人已被告知決定。我們現在正在進行盡職調查,希望在未來幾周公布撥款的獲獎者。

Once again thank you all for supporting BN(O)’s in the North West, if you have any questions or queries please do get in touch.