相比於BNO簽證,加拿大Stream B獲得公民身份並不像人們想像的那麼容易。
1. 透過Stream B途徑需要仍然需要申請開放工作許可證(OPW)/ Working Holiday Visa,從2023年2月8日起,申請人必須符合高等教育學習的要求,即申請這項開放工作許可證時,畢業時間不得超過10年。而BNO簽證則沒有教育要求。
2. 根據Stream B的要求,申請人必須在申請前的3年內,在加拿大全職工作至少12個月,或者相等的兼職工作時間。相比之下,BNO簽證可選擇是否工作。
3. 要獲得加拿大公民身份,永久居民需要滿足實際居住和完成五(5)年的符合資格期限。簡單來說,這可以說是1+5的模式。而BNO簽證則是一個5+1的公民身份模式。(Updated: official text is “have lived in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 years (1,095 days)”. So earliest is 3 years and not 5.)
最終,最適合您的國家將取決於您的個人喜好。英國和加拿大都為香港人提供有吸引力的移民選擇。最適合您的選擇取決於您的個人情況和偏好。如果您正在尋找快速簡便的移民方式,BNO 簽證可能是您的不錯選擇。
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1. Still need to obtain an Open Work Permit (OPW) for the Stream B pathway, or a working holiday visa, applicants are required to fulfill certain education requirements for post-secondary studies, effective February 8, 2023. Specifically, applicants must have graduated within the past 10 years prior to applying for this open work permit. It is worth noting that the BNO visa does not impose any education requirements.
2. Under Stream B, applicants must have worked in Canada for a minimum of 12 months on a full-time basis, or an equivalent amount of part-time hours, within the three years preceding the application. Conversely, the BNO visa allows individuals to choose whether or not to work.
3. In order to obtain Canadian citizenship, Permanent Residents must satisfy the criteria of Physical Presence and complete a five (5) year eligibility period. In simpler terms, this can be described as a 1+5 model. On the other hand, the BNO visa follows a 5+1 model for citizenship acquisition. (Updated: official text is “have lived in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 years (1,095 days)”. So earliest is 3 years and not 5.)