英國申請永久居留權準備事項 How to prepare Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK

以下是有關在英國申請永久居留權(Indefinite Leave to Remain)的準備事項,供您參考:

  1. 資格:檢查申請永久居留權的資格要求,以確保您符合所有標準,例如您在英國的居留時間、移民狀態和犯罪紀錄。
  2. 支持文件:收集所有必要的支持文件,包括護照、簽證和其他證明您符合資格的文件。
  3. 「英國生活入籍考試」:通過「英國生活入籍考試」,這是永久居留權的強制要求。您可以通過閱讀官方手冊、參加準備課程和參加練習測試來學習考試。
  4. 英語語言要求:通過參加經批准的英語語言測試或證明您持有英語教學的學位或您來自主要英語國家來滿足英語語言要求。
  5. 費用:支付所需的申請費用和任何其他相關費用,例如「英國生活入籍考試」和英語語言測試的費用。
  6. 申請:正確填寫永久居留權申請表格,並提供所有必要的支持文件。
  7. 等候時間:提交申請後,您可能需要等待數個月才能獲得決定。


To prepare for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, here are some things you should consider:

  1. Eligibility: Review the eligibility requirements for Indefinite Leave to Remain to ensure that you meet all the criteria, such as the length of time you have been in the UK, your immigration status, and your criminal record.
  2. Supporting Documents: Collect all necessary supporting documents, including passports, visas, and other relevant documentation that proves your eligibility.
  3. Life in the UK Test: Pass the Life in the UK Test, which is a mandatory requirement for Indefinite Leave to Remain. You can study for the test by reading the official handbook, taking practice tests, and attending preparation courses.
  4. English Language Requirements: Meet the English language requirements by taking an approved English language test or by proving that you have a degree taught in English or that you are from a majority English-speaking country.
  5. Fees: Pay the required application fee and any other associated costs, such as the cost of the Life in the UK Test and English language test.
  6. Application: Complete the Indefinite Leave to Remain application form accurately and provide all necessary supporting documents.
  7. Waiting Time: After submitting your application, you may need to wait several months for a decision to be made.

It’s important to note that the above list is not exhaustive and may vary depending on individual circumstances. It is always best to seek professional advice and guidance to ensure that you are fully prepared for the Indefinite Leave to Remain application process.