【英國線上講座】金錢談話 (買樓和按揭) 由 www.livinintheuk.com 主辦
(The talk is completed with 60 participants)
【英國線上講座】金錢談話 (買樓同按揭) 由 www.livinintheuk.com 主辦
£ The Money Talk (Online, UK) $ House & Mortgage – Organised by www.livinintheuk.com
是由 www.livinintheuk.com 組織的一場重要活動。這個虛擬活動旨在為廣東話社群提供專家見解和指導,以幫助他們在金融管理方面增強買樓和按揭知識並作出明智的決策。
Time and Date: 10am 15 June 2023 (Thur) (UKT)
Language: Cantonese
連結 Link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/4333495969?pwd=ZWhwOHJPcVVrTnZGOEFWYUJBOG9oQT09
會議ID Meeting ID: 433 349 5969
密碼 Passcode: Tv5De3
請加入我們的WhatsApp廣播清單:https://chat.whatsapp.com/BEB72AfsMWUA3TVliRFzau 以獲得活動的即時更新
Host: www.livinintheuk.com
主講人1 Presenter 1: Henry Wong (律師 Solicitor)
-購房過程、按揭和全額付款的區別 House Buying Process, difference between mortgage and full payment
-前期需要準備的文件/Statements, 資金來源證明
Contact: Tel / Whatsapp: 07395831457 email: [email protected]
主講人2 Presenter 2: Jason Chu (按揭顧問 Mortgage Advisor)
-成功案例和有趣案例分享 Successful cases and interesting cases sharing
-Credit Score in the UK
Contact: Tel and WhatsApp: 07593 755879 Whatsapp : 6191 6995
Q&A session
#文件 #Statements #資金來源 #購房過程 #CreditScore #按揭 #FullPay #全額付款