Please see below for the latest information that may be useful/relevant to Hong Kong BN(O)’s in the North West. Please share relevant pieces among your network.
NEW GRANT From Migrant Help
Migrant Help have launched a new Community Hub Grant Scheme for VCSE organisations that support Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrants. The grant aims to support new and existing Hubs and Drop-Ins to increase support to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers to access local services.
More information, and the link to the application form, can be found in the attached “Community Hub Grant Guidance PDF” and any questions should go to [email protected]
Summer Protest and Commemoration Activity
As we enter the summer months this is a time of potential increased protest and demonstration activity from some within the Hong Kong community. Hallmark’s of British democracy are the right to protest, freedom of speech and freedom of expression – rights which are sadly threatened in Hong Kong. We encourage any organisation wishing to stage a demonstration or commemoration event to engage with their local police as early as possible to ensure that it can be facilitated and take place safely.
HKCC Language Exchange
Hong Kong Cultural Community are running a language exchange (funded by the RSMP) and are seeking any additional participants. The programme is free to any English or Cantonese speaker who wants to take part. The attached image outlines how to sign up – please share!.
Refugee Week
Refugee week begins on Monday 19th June and there will be dozens of events across the North West. Including a celebration and information event in Warrington which is open to all people seeking sanctuary in Warrington, including those not on “traditional” refugee routes/visas (such as Hong Kong BN(O)’s). More information can be found in the attached Refugee Week poster
If your organisation or Local Authority is delivering any events for Refugee Week and you would like the RSMP to advertise it or attend please get in touch!
RSMP Twitter & Website
A reminder that up to date information can be found on our website here North West Regional Strategic Migration Partnership ( as well as on our new twitter account @NWRSMP. I would encourage you all to follow it
Safeguarding Training Opportunities
BKH Training (who the RSMP have used on a number of occasions) offer numerous safeguarding training sessions for individuals and organisations. These cover topics including: Introduction to Safeguarding and the Law, Forced/Child Marriage, How to report safeguarding concerns, among others. If you would like to enquire about booking a training session please contact Bal Howard [email protected]
Interview Requests for People from Hong Kong
A local researcher from the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group is seeking to interview older people from Hong Kong, Mainland China or other Chinese Ethnicities over the age of 60, who have worked in the catering, childcare, manual or personal care industry. They are seeking to understand access to services and wellbeing in later life for this group of people. More information can be found in the two attached fliers (one in English one in Traditional Chinese) participants will receive a £20 voucher.
As always if you have anything you would like shared on our website, our social media or a future newsletter please get in touch