


  1. 研究寵物友好的物業:尋找明確表示允許寵物的物業,或者有私人花園的物業,您的寵物可以在其中玩耍。
  2. 對您的寵物進行透明化:對房東坦白您有一個寵物,並提供關於您寵物品種、大小和行為的信息。
  3. 為您的寵物提供證明:提供之前的房東或獸醫診所的推薦信,以證明您的寵物行為良好,不會對物業造成任何損害。
  4. 愿意付寵物押金:一些房東可能要求您付一筆額外的押金,以弥补由您的寵物造成的潛在損失。願意付款,以展示您對物業好好照顧的承諾。
  5. 為您的寵物清理:確保在物業內外為您的寵物清理,以展示您是負責任和體貼的。


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我嘅經驗係,就算個ad寫話no pets都照問,不過都真係要睇彩數

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“Maximizing Your Chance of Renting a House with a Pet in the UK for Hong Kongers”

Renting a house with a pet can be challenging in the UK, but there are steps you can take to increase your chances. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Research pet-friendly properties: Look for properties that explicitly state they allow pets, or properties with a private garden where your pet can play.
  2. Be transparent about your pet: Be upfront with the landlord about having a pet, and provide information about your pet’s breed, size, and behavior.
  3. Provide references for your pet: Offer to provide references from previous landlords or veterinary clinics to show that your pet is well-behaved and won’t cause any damage to the property.
  4. Offer to pay a pet deposit: Some landlords may ask for an additional deposit to cover any potential damage caused by your pet. Be willing to pay this deposit to show your commitment to taking good care of the property.
  5. Clean up after your pet: Make sure to clean up after your pet, both inside and outside the property, to show that you’re responsible and considerate.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of successfully renting a house with a pet in the UK and find a comfortable home for you and your furry friend.