

  1. 建立信用歷史:在英國,房東通常會檢查您的信用歷史,因此建立良好的信用歷史是至關重要的。
  2. 寻找可靠的房屋中介:通過使用可靠的房屋中介,您可以更容易找到合適的房屋。此外,房屋中介可以幫助您了解房東的要求,以確保您的申請受到考慮。
  3. 準備好足夠的押金:多數房東都會要求押金,因此您需要準備足夠的押金來證明您的誠意。
  4. 提前搜寻:在英國的房屋租賃市場很活躍,因此您需要提前開始尋找適合您的房屋。
  5. 提供參考:房東可能要求您提供參考,以證明您是一個可靠和負責任的租戶。因此,請準備好您的前任房東或僱主的推薦信。


“How to Increase the Chance of Renting a House in the UK for Hong Kongers”

Renting a house in the UK can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to increase your chances. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Establish credit history: In the UK, landlords usually check your credit history, so it’s crucial to establish a good one.
  2. Find a reliable estate agent: By using a reliable estate agent, you can make it easier to find suitable housing. Furthermore, an estate agent can help you understand the landlord’s requirements to ensure your application is considered.
  3. Be prepared with enough deposit: Most landlords require a deposit, so you need to be prepared with enough deposit to show your commitment.
  4. Start searching early: The housing rental market in the UK is active, so you need to start searching for a suitable property early.
  5. Provide references: Landlords may require you to provide references to prove that you are a reliable and responsible tenant. So, prepare your previous landlord or employer’s recommendation letters.

By adopting these steps, you can increase your chances of renting a house in the UK and find a housing solution that suits you.