利物浦友誼節 UKHK – Liverpool Friendship Festival 4 Feb 2023 (Sat) @ St Bride’s Church

於2023年2月4日 (星期六) ,UKHK將夥同地方組織,於利物浦St Bride’s Church舉辦利物浦友誼節,和一眾港人一起慶祝新年! 當中包括港產片播映、攤位遊戲 (小手工、充氣城堡、人面彩繪)港式小食、表演(音樂、K pop, 魔術、雜技)及在英生活資訊簡介等等,入場小童更可獲贈專為孩子設計的《歡迎來到英國》小書! 歡迎不同人士一起來慶祝農曆新年!




這個在利物浦St. Bride’s Church舉行的活動由地方教會, 當地組織和UKHK舉辦。活動將包括:

  • 應節活動及攤位遊戲
  • 香港音樂及電影
  • 兒童活動:顏面彩繪、小手工等
  • 香港特色小食
  • 生活資訊、地方政府服務等

此外,我們還為由香港來的小朋友準備了一份特別的禮物:一本專為孩子設計的《歡迎來到英國》小書。請為您的孩子登記「兒童票」(Children ticket),我們就會在友誼節當日為您的孩子送上一本《歡迎來到英國》囉!

In this Winter, UKHK is organising a series of Friendship Festivals across the UK, so we can all celebrate the Lunar New Year together – people from Hong Kong, local churches and communities, and everyone in the neighbourhood! Mark the date, register for the free tickets today, and come have a blast and make new friends!

This event at St. Bride’s Church in Liverpool is organised by local churches, organisations and UKHK. It will include:

  • Lunar New Year activities and games
  • Hong Kong music and movie
  • Children’s activities: face-painting, handicrafts, etc
  • Iconic Hong Kong snacks
  • Everyday life information: medical, career, local council services, etc

In addition, we have published a “Welcome to the UK” book especially for children from Hong Kong. Register for the “Children” ticket to get your kid a free copy at the Festival!

Register here now! bit.ly/liverpoolff23

Great George Square
12:00pm – 12:15pm DJ Yeti
12:15pm – 1:00pm Pagoda Arts: Flower Drums, Fan Tai Chi, Dance & Happy Dance!
1:00pm – 1:40pm Firecracker Display: Lucky Man, Dragon & Unicorn Parades
1:40pm – 1:55pm Liverpool Hung Gar Kung Fu Friendship Association: Martial Arts Demonstration
1:55pm – 2:10pm DJ Yeti
2:10pm – 2:30pm Wah Sing Chinese Community Centre Dancers: Traditional Chinese Dance & Song
Bless You: Chinese Dance Performance
Draw You: Chinese Dance Performance
Beautiful Taihu: Chinese Dance Performance
Happy Every Year song: Singing Performance
2:30pm – 2:35pm Friendship Dancers Moon Night Waltz
2:40pm – 3:05pm Tian & LIMF Academy (in association with Pagoda Arts)
3:10pm – 3:15pm Wirral Chinese Cultural Association: Classical Dance – Dream in Flowers
3:15pm – 3:20pm North East Wales Chinese Women’s Association: Traditional Chinese Dance
3:20pm – 3:30pm Movema Dance: Silk
3:30pm – 3:35pm UK Phoenix Qipao Chinese Cultural & Art Association: The Big Fan Dance ‘WanJiang’ and The Silk Scarf QiPao show ‘The Picture Scroll of Love’
3:35pm – 3:40pm Friendship Dancers – Beautiful River (Chinese Line Dance)
3:45pm – 4:10pm Tian & LIMF Academy (in association with Pagoda Arts)
4:15pm – 4:25pm Movema Dance: Silk
4:30pm – 4:55pm Bring the Fire Project
5:05pm Event Ends
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