利物浦 Cooking Papa Liverpool – 支持真香港人在英小店 認真性價比高, 高質好食!

位置:85 Woolton Road, Liverpool , L19 6PL

交通:鄰近South Parkway火車站及巴士站,餐廳門外有免費咪錶可供停泊2小時。

Instagram: @ukcookingpapa

Cooking Papa 喺 Liverpool L19 6PL,係一間香港風味嘅亞洲餐廳。有免費泊車位。食物真係好味,仲好過我哋想象中嘅!我特別鍾意韓式芥末雞。佢嘅皮好脆,芥末嘅味道啱啱好!

More about the restaurant: 港人主理餐廳推介:利物浦 Cooking Papa

Cooking Papa at Liverpool L19 6PL, a hong kong style asian restaurant. Free parking is available. The food is really good, even better than we thought it would be! I especially like the Korean mustard chicken. It’s got a nice crispy skin and the mustard taste is just perfect!
