(Forward) 一切由聆聽開始:曼徹斯特 LGBTQ+ 展覽 4/2/2023 (星期日 / Saturday)

一切由聆聽開始:曼徹斯特 LGBTQ+ 展覽
Listen & Learn: Navigating LGBTQ+ Narratives in Manchester
融入,擁抱英國價值一直係我地既願景,來到第二家園,我地又點樣擁抱多元價值?不如試下由聆聽開始?Trafford Hongkongers CIC今次會與港僑LGBTQ+合作,在the Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Community Fund支持下舉辦一個以 LGBTQ+主題既展覽,當中包括移英 LGBTQ+群體既故事、英國既性取向平權發展歷史、以為佢地既法律及社會權利。不論你係從未接觸過任何呢一方面知識既素人,或者你身邊已經好多不同性向光譜既朋友,只要你願意了解更多,我地都鼓勵你來參與。
Inclusion and Embracing British Values have always been our vision. As we navigate our way in our second home, how can we achieve such goals? Why not start with listening? This time, Trafford Hongkongers is collaborating with Project LGBTQ under Hongkongers in Britain (HKB) to organise an exhibition with a focus on LGBTQ+ community. The exhibition will feature stories of Hongkoners who are also a part of LGBTQ+ community who have immigrated to the UK, the history of LGBTQ+ equality development in the UK, and an overview of their legal and social rights. Whether you are a newbie to this knowledge or already knowledgeable about sexual minorities with friends around you, as long as you are willing to learn more, we encourage you to participate.
活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date : 4/2/2023 (星期日 / Saturday)
時間 / Time : 12:30pm – 5:30pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : Saan1, 5 Kelvin St, Manchester M4 1ET
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
名額 / Capacity : 不限
費用 / Cost : 免費 / Free
報名方法 / Registration :

協辦機構 / co-organisers:
Trafford Hongkongers CIC

查詢 / Enquiries :
Lucas Yue Project LGBTQ+ 外展主任 – lucas.yue@hongkongers.org.uk

Disclaimer: Personal data collected will be used for this activity or case-related purpose only. For detailed information please refer to our privacy policy.
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#移英港人 #移民英國 #BNO #實體活動 #HKB #projectLGBTQ #性小衆 #UKservices #心理健康 #英國港僑協會 #Manchester #曼徹斯特 #曼城 #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #community #fund #社區 #基金 #性別多元 #性取向多元 #gender #diversity #sexuality #性別 #性取向 #exhibition #展覽


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Important Disclaimer: The event information provided by livinintheuk.com is for forwarding purposes only. We are not responsible for organizing or hosting any of the mentioned events, nor do we benefit from them in any way. Our aim is to assist Hong Kong immigrants in understanding life in the UK, but we remind readers to verify all event-related information on their own.