免費學英語!如何在英國申請 ESOL 課程?

如果您有興趣在英國參加免費的 ESOL 課程,您可以聯繫當地的 council(地方政府)了解您所在地區的課程情況。

要查找您所在的 council,您可以訪問英國政府的網站 www.gov.uk/find-local-council,並輸入您的郵政編碼。找到您所在的 council 後,您可以檢查他們的網站或直接聯繫他們,了解 ESOL 課程的相關信息。他們可能會有有關當地學校、社區中心或成人教育中心的課程信息。

您還可能通過當地的進修學院獲得免費的 ESOL 課程,因此不妨查看他們的網站或直接聯繫他們,了解可用的課程。

祝您在尋找免費 ESOL 課程方面好運!如果您有任何進一步的問題,請隨時詢問!

Other info:

《英國文化協會》推出英語對話課程,每堂只需£8,就能助您學會流利英語! 適合任何 BNO 學習英文人士(內含免費試堂的申請連結)

Our Facebook and English learning Whatsapp Groups: https://livinintheuk.com/archives/42/

Are you interested in registering for a free ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) class in the UK? If so, you can contact your local council to inquire about available classes in your area.

To find your local council, you can visit the UK government’s website at www.gov.uk/find-local-council and enter your postcode. Once you have found your council, you can check their website or contact them directly to ask about ESOL classes. They may have information about classes available at local schools, community centers, or adult education centers.

You may also be eligible for free ESOL classes through your local further education college, so it’s worth checking their website or contacting them directly to ask about available classes.

Good luck in your search for a free ESOL class, and don’t hesitate to ask if you have any further questions!